CMYK printing mode has big advantages over RGB

Common pro printers are developed with printerdrivers which support CMYK printing. 

Imagine this: with printing you want your output to match to the image you created on your calibrated display. Yet, the graybalance is off. So your RGB-printer profile needs an adjustment in the CMYK process colors.

Why not do it right the first time? 


Maximum control over inklimits

No more bleed by overinking. In our Printbox we control the inklimits from your single process colors and in the total amount of colors.

Neutral graybalance

We added some features in our profiling software on PrintBox so that the graybalance - where your procescurves come together to produce a neutral gray - are controlled very precise. This results also in very smooth gradients. Banding now belongs to the past.

Ink reduction with GCR

Save on ink costs! With our smart method of GCR/UCR/UCA - name it gray component replacement in general - we can achieve less inkusage in the very same quality.